Caroline Boff (our new patron) was recently interviewed about her career and her thoughts about becoming the MhIST patron. Below is a transcript of that interview.
What have you accomplished in the last 12 months?
A strong body of abstracts and expressionist paintings.
November 2020 to January 2021 Joined Easel, 4 Art Technologies, Circle Art Foundation etc.
February 2021 Artist Talk with Global Art Advisor Carolina Conforti Art Advisory published on Vimeo and https://www.carolinaconfortiadvisory.com/art-talks
2021 My Art Featured in Floreat, Rugbeian Society
2021 Began with VAA mentor Karen Van Hoey Smith.
2021 Became an artist with the global design firm M Moser, New York
2021 Artwork ‘The Dance Off’ won the Coup de Coeur, Art Certificate – international art competition
2021 Taken on by Tin Man Art – London and Hampshire art advisor and gallery
2021 Became a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce
2021 Became Mhist’s first patron.
2021 Exhibiting at Spectrum Miami with Artavita
2021 Featured Virtual Reality exhibition ‘The Importance of Colour’ with Discover Art Placer, New York
2022 Exhibition with South Art Dealer, LINKEDINYC, ‘Women of the World’, Tribeca, New York
2022 Interview plus artwork on the cover of Floreat.
2022 Feature in the Collector’s Choice, China.
How would you say your mindset has changed? Do you have a new outlook on your career? Are you more confident in yourself?
I am more confident in myself and am happy that I know so much more now about the art industry. My mentor has described me as walking into my confidence which is an amazing feeling. I still feel that I won’t ever retire and I still adore what I do. Knowledge is power and having learnt so much more about myself and art I feel more in control of my life and that power is being translated through to my art and people seem to love my work which is the most amazing feeling! I still work hard, I’m determined and love it!
What did you find hardest about improving your arts profession? Were there any obstacles you overcame?
Funnily enough it wasn’t how or what to paint but actually what to do next. I’m really happy when I’m working and the thing I find most difficult is when there is a lull or a quiet time of some uncertainty. You have to deal with sometimes constant rejection until someone says yes but I don’t mind. Also, as an artist if you take it seriously you really grow as a person which as a deep person I like. I think also you have to be ready for a tough and long battle but I’m prepared and learning to navigate the storms with joy and a glint in my eye.
What piece of business advice have you received this last year which has helped propel your business?
Keep painting, keep going, you are a brilliant artist and never give up.
What marketing activity has helped you build momentum in your profession? (eg: social media, website, press release)
My website has been the marketing tool which has helped the most. Not only has it given me credibility it also helps me to document my work and achievements. I even use it sometimes to decide what to paint next or at least the direction in which I would like to go. It is a feast for the senses and I get so much out of it both directly and indirectly. Social media as well of course!
What career accomplishments are you most proud of and why?
I’m most proud of galvanising my art business and art into what it is today. I have worked so hard at it and have enjoyed it. It just feels so good to be able to identify and stand tall and proud as a legitimate artist. Not to mention my appearances in the best publications in the world. It feels like I’m living a life beyond my wildest dreams already!
Is there anything you would like to say to the artist you were a year ago?
Don’t get disheartened – this year is going to be incredible!

What is your background?
I’m self-taught.
What does your work aim to say?
My work is a visual representation of my life, my emotions, my adventures. It aims to make the link that even ugly events can be beautiful or at least useful. It wants to inspire and to make people think about their own life and what they actually want and what really means something special to them.
What is your definition of artist’s success?
Living an artist life full time and people seeing your work all over the world.
What career goal is your current priority?
Consolidating and heightening my presence on the UK and international art stage.

Finally, what does becoming the patron of MhIST mean to you?
Being asked to be a patron by MhIST in Bolton is an honour. As a busy professional artist myself, I know how important the release is, from mental pressures. With the aim of service users functioning effectively in this world, MhIST provides a kind, intelligent and great helping hand, to those in sometimes a state of despair. MhIST matches various, sometimes complex, mental health needs, to relevant and tailored treatments which they provide. It is a joy and pleasure to be involved with MhIST and I do hope that it will be recognised as the vital service that it is with more much needed funding and support.
Also thank you on behalf of all of MhIST for the donation of these beautiful pieces of original artwork.
Dance Off III As I Began to Love Myself
Caroline’s original artwork can be seen and is available to buy via her website www.carolineboff.co.uk