MhIST – Mental Health Independent Support Team working with our communities to give the best mental health support we can since 1992.

We provide a safe and friendly place where you can work at your own pace to start your journey towards positive mental wellbeing.

Why not explore our services below!


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Do you or someone you know need urgent help now?

  • If possible talk to a trusted friend, family member or neighbour.
  • If you are already working regularly with a mental health practitioner call them.
  • If not possible or not available contact your GP and request an urgent appointment or visit your nearest NHS Walk-in Centre.  click here to find the closest walk-in centre to you.
  • If you feel that the situation is becoming a crisis or emergency dial 999 or go to your Hospital’s Emergency Department (A&E). 

Talk to someone on the telephone about how you are feeling

Samaritans 116 123 Helpline

The Samaritans offer a 24/7 helpline offering emotional support to people experiencing distress or despair on 116 123.

NHS 111 Helpline

The NHS Helpline on 111 will talk to you about available local services. 


The national charity SANE offers SANEline, an out of office mental health helpline for anyone, including friends, family and carers between 4.00pm and 10.00pm on 0300 304 7000 .

You can find out about more support online

The following websites have a wide range of information and advice, plus some also host online services allowing instant access to a therapist. – an easy to navigate website giving a full range of information about this organisation.

You can access free, confidential and anonymous online text chat with trained listeners at

Big White Wall

The Big White Wall has developed an online community to offer self-help programmes and creative outlets at

NHS Choices

NHS Choices is a useful website to find practical information about symptoms, conditions, treatment and local services near to you.  

Click here to access the website.

Quick fix stress relievers

Use a PC, laptop or mobile to give yourself some mental time out with this small selection of online stress relievers.

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Funded by the National Lottery

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