1988 June and July

June 4th
Breezy sunny day. David took me round Calf Hey Trail at Haslingden. White Clover was flowering there. In the afternoon we went to the old grenade range past Big Oller. We also went to the Farm nearby, and got stuck in a bog. On the way back we saw loads of Red Clover on the overgrown pavement and I found a sprig of Spring Squill which I first discovered there many years ago. Swifts were darting over the moor and Swallows too.

June 5th
A very warm and sunny day. David and I took the dogs round the island. We found three Goose nests with egg shells and I counted 22 Goslings - three families - on the reservoir. On the shoreline I saw three Dunlin feeding, with purple breasts and curved bills. There was a pair of Oystercatchers flying about and for the first time I saw a pair of birds with creamy brown backs and white breasts with black bibs.

June 6th
David and I went round Wayoh. We saw two Rabbits, one was jet black. David says they are called ‘Parson Rabbits’ when they are that colour. On the hillside loads of purple Lupins were flowering and on the bank to my delight, I found a few pale spikes of the Common Speedwell.

June 7th
I heard an Owl hoot today so I went across to the barn and looking down at us from a beam was a Tawny Owl. I think it must live there and be the parent of the young one we saw recently. On June 5th I saw a Little Owl at Edgeworth and another in the Ash Tree on the Lane Field.

June 8th
Yesterday David took me and the dogs round Wayoh. I picked a beautiful piece of Water Avens. Stood on a mud flat at the very far end of the reservoir were no less than seven Heron; never have I seen so many. We saw the little black rabbit again and two female Mallard, each with five ducklings.

June 11th
A warm, windy and sunny day. David, Cindy and I went round Angelzarke Reservoir. In the grass Bird’s Foot Trefoil was flowering. Pinky-purple Foxgloves were in flower amongst the tall green bracken. Walking past the reservoir we saw a slender white and grey bird with black cap and forked tail. I saw it dive below the water. It was without doubt a Tern.

In the river flowing into the reservoir, and swimming with their heads facing the oncoming currant were six young Trout, each about seven inches long. When I saw them I had just been thinking ‘wouldn’t it be lovely to see some fish in the river’ and there they were.

June 13th
The most beautiful day this year, glorious blue sky, hot sunshine and a warm breeze. We went round Tockholes Reservoir with Cindy. Whilst walking along the bank, there gliding along in the sunlight waters, we saw several large Trout. They must have been just under a foot long. Their smooth streamlined bodies turning effortlessly to catch flies on the surface, their small fins continually moving and rippling in waves. I have never seen fish like that before, it was a delight.

In a dying tree we saw thousands of caterpillars, eating the leaves. I saw them several weeks ago and then they were tiny, about forty together in a sort of nest just like a spiders web but joined together to support them. These “cobweb like nests” were covering the tree all over and making it look white and ghostly in appearance. I think they are some sort of moth caterpillars.

June 15th
Today at work there was a beautiful Ermine Moth on the Carpet. It had a fury white head black eyes, orange stripes on its body, black legs and its white back was peppered with black dots, and dots on its legs. I released it on some Ivy outside.

June 26th
On Friday 24th of June, David and I moved into our new home. It is a lovely sunny mid terrace, overlooking a valley with trees, long grass and a Goyht. There are hundreds of black and brown Slugs and not surprisingly yesterday morning David saw a Hedgehog which feeds on them. Amongst the grass, yellow Buttercups, White and Red Clovers, and purple Self Heal are flowering. The trees include Mountain Ash, Hawthorn, Oak, Elm and some small ones with lovely shaped leaves which I think are Maple. Sycamore and Pussy Willow grow, as well as Wild Roses, now covered in lovely pink blossom. You may well imagine it is like home from home.

June 27th
A very humid, close day, with overcast skies and occasional sun. Walking down the valley I saw four Large Skipper Butterflies with orange and brown markings. There was also a large Meadow Brown Butterfly with orange wing patches lazily flying about. On a roof were two Magpies.

June 29th
The sky has been grey all day but it is very warm with a slight breeze and occasionally the sun shows through the clouds. This morning I saw a Hedge Sparrow in the bushes. Locally Rosebay and Great Willow Herbs are beginning to flower, besides smaller Willow herbs. By the river in Bolton, Giant Hogweed is blooming.

In the rockery several types of “Pinks”, Cranesbills and Stonecrops are flowering. Yesterday I saw a large Bumble Bee next door, an inch long and half an inch wide. The day before there was a Seven-spot Ladybird crawling up a plant. Ladybirds are a rare sight these days.

1st July
In the toilets a little Silverfish was running about on the floor: I have seen them there before. Walking to work I found Woody Nightshade or Bittersweet flowering in the hedge. Its exotic purple flowers, with yellow centres and clusters of unripe green berries, were a surprise find.

2nd July
This afternoon I saw five Thrushes flying about in the valley: they must feed on the abundant slugs. It has been thundery all day with heavy rain showers, intermittent with blue sky and sunshine. We have paid our first instalment on the mortgage.

Recently I found a dead Ghost Moth at work, it had yellowish ginger wings. Yesterday I saw lots of tiny Toads on Longworth Lane, leading up to work. You could fit one on a ½p piece, they are so small. Even so, their tiny limbs are still capable of allowing them to jump along.

3rd July
David and I went round Wayoh tonight with Cindy. We saw a pair of Heron fly over the water. There were plenty of Mallard about. The Elders were covered in discs of little cream flowers with a heavy smell. It was late, about ten o’clock, and cool mist was swirling over the waters.

8th July
Yesterday, and again today, I found a beautiful “mint green,” Common Emerald Moth, on the wall at work. There was another very similar Moth on the wall, delicate but much smaller, and white instead of pale green. I think it may have been a Little Emerald!

One day about a fortnight ago, in one of the bedrooms, a dark Moth, was hanging from a lampshade. It had a very characteristic shape and from my book I believe it to have been a Poplar Hawk-moth. One of the girls described it as looking like a bat with outstretched wings.

10th July
A very rainy day. Outside the front, there was a flock of House and Tree Sparrows with little blue and brown caps respectively. I also saw a pair of creamy-brown Collared Doves in the Ash tree.

11th July
We walked round Wayoh where we saw nine beautiful Herons stood on the mud flats. There were two Great Crested Grebes sat on nests, very near to the footpath, which surprised me. Some yellow Ragwort flowers were out, and by the waterside pink Valerian was flowering. A special surprise was an early bunch of purple Heather that David gave me.

16th July
At work today I rescued a brown Mottled Beauty Moth, with a distinct ziz-zag pattern on its wings. Later just below the house I found a Toad, and saw a pair of Magpies. One had a distinctive blue sheen to its wings. A Clouded Border Moth was found drowned in a bowl of milk.

18th July
I found a small lovely brown streaked Antler Moth at work today, and a large Orange Underwing which was about 1½ inch long. A few days ago I visited the hedge above Nancy’s, where I picked some Wild Pea flowers and Honeysuckle. The Guelder Rose has berries on now, which are gradually turning red.

July 21st
Tonight it rained from a cloudy sky, but unperturbed David and I went picking Bilberries for an hour. We picked enough for two pies and a small crumble, and there was still a few left over. In the hedges round about, there are large white blooms of the Bindweed.

23rd July
At the Holmes’s today I saw a brown triangular shaped Moth with a long ugly “nose”: it was a Snout Moth. The name comes from the large upturned palpi projecting from the head.

July 25th
Today I saw a black Common Pug Moth on the door at work. Yesterday I found another Moth like the one in the milk, and a brown-black Hebrew Character. But the most gorgeous moth was a dark green Large Emerald, with zigzag white pattern on its wings.

July 27th
Went round Jumbles tonight. At the Cinder Tip there were a lot of tiny yellow flowers on slender stalks about two inches high. The flowers were single and very similar to those of St. John’s Wort. In the wood I found a gigantic Horsetail plant, and on marshy ground by the reservoir, I picked a beautiful sprig of Yellow Loosestrife.

Continued 1988 August